Bookkeeper Training with Free Level 1 Award in Bookkeeping


Practical Bookkeeping Training

Suitable for learners wanting an introduction to the process of keeping double entry records, preparing reconciliations and a trial balance

The qualification is made up of:

1 – Online Knowledge Test
2 – Online Assignments


Level 1 Award in Bookkeeping (QCF)Awarded by International Association of Bookkeepers


This qualification is made up of the following units:

Introduction to bookkeeping – T/508/5857

  • Understand the basics of double entry bookkeeping
  • Understand bookkeeping terms
  • Recognise source documents and understand their purpose
  • Understand the basics of VAT
  • Understand the purpose of the trial balance and petty cash and bank reconciliations

Keep double entry records and prepare a trial balance – A/508/5858

  • Use the journal
  • Record transactions in a double entry bookkeeping system
  • Prepare a trial balance

Prepare reconciliations – F/508/5859

  • Reconcile the petty cash balance
  • Prepare a bank reconciliation statement

Who is this course for?

The Level 1 Award in Bookkeeping qualification is specifically aimed at leaners who wish to begin their studies of bookkeeping and gain entry to a Level 1 qualification within the RQF.

The qualification has been designed to appeal to individuals within the following groups:

  • Learners starting their studies in the subject of bookkeeping from a point of no previous knowledge or experience.
  • Learners employed at a junior level with some limited basic bookkeeping knowledge and skills, who want to formalise their competence by gaining a recognised accredited qualification in bookkeeping.
  • Learners returning to study and/or work after a study or career break.
  • Learners considering a change in career.
  • Learners considering a career as a self-employed practitioner.
  • Owners of a small business wanting an introduction to the function of bookkeeping with a view of keeping financial records for their business.


No formal entry requirement

Career path

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